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How it works
Learn from and collaborate with practicing financial advisors through our platform. Our AdviceOnly™ methodology ensures an objective and consistent planning experience.

Our range of services includes
Our Services

Financial Planning and Counseling


Different Financial Planning Courses

There are two core services when using the Advice Only™ process:
1) Buy a course. Our courses are written by practicing financial advisors. Each course is individually priced and includes quizzes, assessments, videos, and exercises. Course topics are designed to complement a student’s lifestyle, stage of life, and financial interests.To get started, download via the Apple and Google Play stores.
2) Find an advisor instructor. Each Advice Only™ advisor sets their own pricing for courses, standalone financial plans, and paid consultations. To connect with an advisor, visit our app’s “Find an Advisor” tab. Here, you can browse our network of advisor instructors, view their profiles, and clearly understand how they work. It’s a straightforward process that puts users in complete control of finding the right advisor for their needs.
To get started, download via the Apple and Google Play stores.That’s the idea! Our courses are written by practicing financial advisors who can also assist 1-to-1 with planning. We find clients prefer planning with their instructors rather than being referred to someone else.