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The Advice Only™ methodology and process provide a unique and consistent framework for licensed advisors. It allows them to deliver objective financial planning education and advice to all clients, setting them apart in the industry. The Advice Only™ financial planning process offers distinct features that benefit both clients and advisors, making it a valuable platform to be a part of.

How does our platform make money?

The Advice Only® platform makes money in two ways. Our goal was to offer a level playing field and make our platform accessible to advisors with any level of experience. Additionally, we strive to make courses accessible to clients at any asset level. Please take the time to review our terms and the case study below.
Net Course Sales Platform % Total to Advisor Total to Platform
$650 8% $598.00 $52.00
$1,300 7% $1,202.50 $97.50
$1,950 6% $1,813.50 $136.50
$2,600 5% $2,431.00 $169.00
$3,250 4% $3,055.00 $195.00
$3,900 3% $3,685.50 $214.50
$4,550 2% $4,322.50 $227.50
$5,200 1% $4,966.00 $234.00
$5,850+ 0.50% – 0.25% TBD TBD

Case Study

An advisor offers the public a retirement planning course on the Advice Only® platform. The advisor pays the annual dues of $600 and posts a course. The advisor commits to writing one blog article per quarter and posting it on the Advice Only® blog to drive traffic. The article offers insight into their unique style and is designed to target common search terms but ultimately solicit the advisor’s paid course to the public.
Utilizing the advisor’s network and the Advice Only® blog’s SEO scale, the advisor anticipates generating at least 50 course sales in 2 or 3 months. The advisor has made the money back on dues. Furthermore, 5 new meetings have been conducted with clients who purchased the course, and the advisor has generated income from the paid consultations. Of the consultations conducted, the advisor has signed agreements to complete 3 financial plans. Meetings also include a high likelihood of years of ongoing service work. Finally, out of the various meetings conducted, several clients have recommended that others purchase the same course, setting the advisor up to further compound upon the original $600 dues investment.

Why Join?

We discovered clients like the idea of a consumer-to-advisor online platform with advisors as instructors. Getting paid to do great work might seem too good to be true. However, by being true to ourselves and our clients, we recognized an opportunity to build a platform with integrity that provides individuals with essential financial information written by practicing advisors and is free of monetary and non-monetary influences. This commitment to objectivity reassures clients of an advisor’s commitment to trustworthy advice.
why join

Quality work speaks for itself.

At the heart of our platform is the belief that educating clients on foundational financial topics builds stronger relationships and enhances their engagement and confidence throughout the planning process. We value our advisor’s role in this process and believe it is integral to our platform’s success.
We build trust by leveraging technology’s efficiency and scalability. This is initially accomplished through exposure to necessary planning concepts, which provides efficiency for both clients and advisors later during the formal planning process. Our technology helps users identify their personal preferences and affinities, ultimately making the planning process more fruitful.
We discovered that clients enjoy educational experiences incorporating the instructor’s distinctive approach, energy, and viewpoint. That’s why our platform is designed to assist advisors in creating connections through technology, offering each advisor a way to showcase their unique style and individual perspective. We seek to showcase each advisor’s distinctive style and built a platform to help them share it with the world.
Course content is dual purpose. It is available for sale to profit from and attract new prospective clients for planning engagements, and it acts as a resource for existing clients off the platform. Advisors control the ongoing educational services of all their clients.
By joining our platform, advisors certainly develop an individual marketing style but also help define our greater mission: to provide the public with affordable, objective, high-quality educational resources and wholesome financial guidance. Through organic competition, we offer and, through togetherness, we foster a new form of shared commitment to excellence in financial services and find individual success while simultaneously doing great work for clients.
Our model does not promote certain advisors over others; ranking is merit-based. Advisors harness the opportunity to present their unique perspective in the marketplace, profit from it, and meet prospective clients in the process, all on a level playing field.

Before engaging with other Advice Only™ advisors and prospective Advice Only™ clients, we ask advisors to set aside opinions and personal agendas. Doing so encourages humility, open-mindedness, and receptiveness to different perspectives and ideas.

Our financial education marketplace hosts a genuinely competitive environment for advisors to share their unique perspectives, unified behind a consistent message and financial planning process. Chiefly rewarded on the merits, algorithmic preference for advisors is weighted based on course sales, originality, location, advisor responsiveness, and overall positive client feedback.
Through the happenstance of competitiveness, advisors and clients alike can enjoy the spontaneity of unfettered competitiveness – fostering those unexpected yet happy discoveries that tend to follow. Our advisor-driven platform strives to avoid the more predictable manufactured content approach, avoiding favoritism and the inevitable bottoming out of originality.
Clients enjoy working with the same advisors who educate them, and we do not intend to influence advisor relationships. Client referrals occur through the app and web and link to the advisor’s preferred contact method. Advisors take it from there. We simply require advisors to respect the process and methodology users expect.
Advisors joining the network contribute and sell their original written courses and also write public blog articles. Content promotes an advisor’s style on our consumer-facing platform and web.

What should I expect?

Contributing is a requirement for being part of our community and using the Advice Only™ term in marketing. Regardless of how an advisor contributes, they may be permitted to be listed in our directory and receive planning leads from prospective clients.

Impress existing clients with access to personally written advice materials, share your unique perspective on key planning topics, and efficiently offer updates. By selling courses, advisors share expertise and gain valuable exposure. Advisors have the potential to keep 99% of their course sales.
While blog articles are not designed to be a direct income source for advisors, they provide a valuable way to build credibility and can act as a billboard for courses for sale in the app. Writing the occasional post is a great way to get started with us and maintain a listing on our platform for planning leads.
We developed our platform to make paid out-of-pocket advice accessible to anyone. Advisors get paid for their time and content, so we expect them to diligently follow up on the inquiries they receive. If they are not a proper fit, respectfully pass the opportunity on to the next Advice OnlyTM advisor.
Our success is your success. Online training and events offer advisors the techniques required to represent our methodology and process. Events also ensure clients can expect a consistent experience. Step up and host either your own peer or community event.
The strength of our platform is the underlying methodology we’ve developed. We honor our pledge to users, ensuring a wholesome planning environment accessible to anyone. We ask that advisors joining our platform respect our purpose and follow the “Our Truths” doctrine and broader Advice OnlyTM methodology and process.
Our model does not promote certain advisors over others; ranking is merit-based. Advisors harness the opportunity to present their unique perspective in the marketplace, profit from it, and meet prospective clients in the process, all on a level playing field.
How do i join

How do I join?

We want to get to know the advisors interested in working with us. Selling courses and following our process and methodology is an important responsibility. Likewise, when initially engaging with us, advisors want specifics. Contact Us to book a time, ask questions, and understand the individual requirements to become a member. Eligible advisors interested in joining our growing network include plan sponsor advisors and individual advisory practices.

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