How Much of a Guarantee Do I Actually Need?


Guaranteed income offers all kinds of benefits to a financial plan but also comes with tradeoffs, namely growth, and cost. Finding the “sweet spot” for a guarantee in a financial plan is tricky and not always readily apparent. Furthermore, differences in opinion within a family unit can cause disagreement about the “perfect” design. When referring […]

Are Retirees Being Real?

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The annual Retirement Confidence Survey consistently shows retirees’ expectations pre, and post-retirement may not always be realistic for specific areas of retirement planning. A realistic financial plan will consider all variables and any high-risk scenarios. Being real with expenses Expenses are one of the most disliked aspects of developing a financial plan. It’s impossible to determine the […]

Planning a Sustainable Withdrawal Strategy for Retirement

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Planning a sustainable withdrawal strategy is one of the most overlooked areas of financial planning. A clear and coordinated withdrawal strategy is crucial because it will ultimately determine how an individual will create sustainable income throughout retirement. Successfully navigating retirement Sequence risk is the risk in the timing of withdrawals from a market portfolio occurring […]

Estate Planning: The Art of the Final Impression

  Everyone needs an estate plan. And most people prefer the idea of loved ones remembering them in a positive light – not for estate planning missteps. The Estate Tax & The Marital Deduction As of 2023, every United States citizen receives an Estate Tax deduction of 12.92 million dollars usable over their lifetime. This […]

They’re Selling You The Sizzle, Not The Steak

So the larger planning firms must be better at what they do, right? They must have proprietary skillsets, technology, and other solutions that are only available through them. After all, they currently hold almost all of America’s wealth and frontload a shocking amount of lobbying money against the fiduciary standard. The assumption by many clients […]

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